Go Green

By participating in our program, you’ve signed up to offset up to 100% of your electricity with solar energy credits.

Energize Your Local Economy

Community Solar stimulates the local economy with jobs in construction, engineering, and maintenance.

Cut Energy Costs

Our customers report saving approximately 10% off of their monthly electricity bills.

No Installations  Required

No hardware, meter changes, or rewiring necessary. Construction and maintenance costs are covered by us.

Your current utility will still service your account and deliver energy to your home or business. Any energy consumption that isn’t covered by your energy credits will be paid to the utility at their price.

You will have access to a software portal that will allow you to view the solar production, monetary savings, and environmental impact that’s possible with your support of our program.

Because no roof is required to participate, nearly anyone can join. Homeowners, renters, apartment dwellers, places of worship, and small businesses can all support clean energy and benefit from cheap solar power.